We would like to thank all participants for making the AgriGHG-2024 Symposium an unforgettable experience.
The Book of Abstracts has been published and can be downloaded here.
A photo documentation of the event is accessible under this link.
Soon we will also make accessible a summary report.
The event, hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), has fostered international exchange on the implementation of climate mitigation measures and low-emission development strategies in agriculture, has set new priorities and ideas for research cooperation and gave new impetus to existing and emerging network activities. It has been co-organised by GRA (Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases), CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) and the German Federal Research Institute Thuenen.
A series of side events took place at the conference venue on 24th October, including in connection with various GRA and CGIAR activities.
We acknowledge the in-kind support from the Agri-DENZ and the RessortForschtKlima projects for the AgriGHG-2024 symposium.